More Zululand Adventures
Hi All again
Hopefully the computer will be more cooperative tonight!
So we saw heaps of awesome animals - hippos (they were fantastic!), crocs, kudus, giraffes (so awesome!), baboons, zebra, impala, african sea eagles, elephants, potential rhino (i'm not 100% sure but they looked like what I imagine the asses of 2 rhinos would look) and a wealth of bird life.
We also visited this community. It seems like the whole community turned up - they did traditional Zulu dances for us - those little chicks can certainly dance! Then in theory we played sport - by in theory I mean I spectated and played with the kids, a much more worthwhile use of my time I feel! They were soo cute. At first they were a bit shy, but once they figured out what a digital camera can do, they became very egocentric and photogenic. Some of them are quite the budding photographer. One little guy whose name I can't pronounce coz it has a click in it was permanently attached to me. I think it partly the camera but I like to think it was my charm and personality also!
This is his handiwork:
There was some amazing dancing - these people can kick above their heads - like repeatedly! I wish i was that flexible!
I have more photos are flickr - - check it out! ;)
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